Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Saga of Dan and Hannah’s Boots (epilog)

The responses to the final blog confirmed what we expected.

My thoughts on Boots - unfortunately, I think that Boots had a blacker face.  The picture of the new cat has white around the whisker area - your Boots looks to have an almost all black face.  Could it be an offspring of Boots?

I used the Super Zoom lens on Photoshop and recreated the faces at 10,000 megapixels.  It's not the same Boots.

I'm sorry, but I am in the doubting category.


On the day that I posted the last of the updates of the Saga of Dan and Hannah’s Boots, I left for Jersey at 6A to see my Mom.  After a five hour trip, I went to “current events” with Mom as the Israeli/Palestinian issue was discussed.   After lunch, I noticed on my phone that Hannah had called me.  I called her back and she said, Have you read my latest email to you?  I hadn’t and asked why.  She said, Just read it first.  It said:

I've fallen in love with a cat.....over at the Another Chance Animal Rescue in North Berwick. Should I go meet her tomorrow a.m.? She's a brown tiger coon cat, 6 months old, a stray...."sweet, social..." Spayed, vaccinated. Hours at the ACAR are 10a-2p. I'm thinking I’d like to go and meet her. I've sent an e-mail to see if she's still available but haven't heard yet.  Tell me what you think...... I'm ready. I think Boots would be ok with it too.  xo Han
p.s. I saw her picture in the Weekly Sentinel. Can't find out on line though if she's still available.

By email, I responded, You go girl! 

Hannah had read this ad in the local free newspaper, the Weekly Sentinel, about “Misty.”  It said:

Misty is a six-month-old brown tiger and white Maine coon kitten who came in to ACAR as a stray.  She is a very sweet, social girl.  Most likely Misty had been someone’s family pet.  Misty has been spayed, vaccinations are current and she has passed her wellness exam.  Pretty Misty would very much like a new family that will love and care for her as an indoor only family member so she will be safe again.  Additionally, Hannah had been told she was abandoned in an apartment when renters had moved out.

That very next morning, Hannah drove to North Berwick (some 12 miles from our home in York) to be at Another Chance Animal Rescue right at 10A.  (It is only open for four hours each week, from 10A-2P on Saturday.)  Hannah was on a mission and not going to miss out on this cat, if at all possible.   Arriving at 10:03A, she walked through the front of the building (a thrift store to benefit the animals rescued) to a small back room with no more than eight cages of cats.  There in the hands of a young father with his daughter, was “Misty.”  Hannah held her breath and just hoped.  Forty-five seconds after the father handed Misty back to one of the “cat ladies,” who introduced Misty to Hannah, she (Hannah) said, I’m ready.  I’ll take her.  With the paper work completed (during which time a call was received inquiring if Misty were still available) and the $75 paid, we two became three again.
Arriving home from Jersey, Misty immediately introduced herself to me.  I was sold.  Thank goodness Hannah went on her “mission.”  Later as we took a bike ride to nearby Mount Agamenticus, we played the name game.  Eventually I suggested Sedona (after a town in Arizona north of where Hannah and I spent our first ten years of married life) and we felt it right for her “birth certificate.”   We needed something that flowed more easily off the tongue, though so her nickname is “Sadie.”

Already Sadie is amazing.  She hangs around us all the time, on the table when I type at the computer, in our laps while we sit with popcorn and wine.  Despite our past propensity to have our cats be indoor/outdoor cats, we are committed to have Sadie be an indoor cat. 

Max Ehrmann wrote in the Desiderata (http://www.fleurdelis.com/desiderata.htm) that The universe is unfolding as it should.   After the drama of the past month, we feel so fortunate that things have “unfolded” as they have for us – and now, Sadie.       


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