Saturday, March 31, 2012

Dan Wraps Up His Morning Rituals (Part 2 of 2)

Last week I opened with the first two of my five Morning Rituals: exercising and writing in my gratitude journal.  Today I’ll conclude with the final three: repeating my affirmations, praying, and meditating.

Repeating my Affirmations: Placed in my journal is a sheet of paper with my affirmations.  These statements describe my present state or my wishes for myself for the future.  Alone in our skylight room, I repeat the affirmations aloud.   They include:

This is the best time in my life as I become more trusting and having more faith.

I do unto others as I would have them do unto me.  I do what I’d expect of others.

I believe courage is having faith when doubting would be easier. 

I do not distress myself with imaginings.  I make decisions based on what is reasonable.

I learn and see the good in others.  I see the joy in my day.   

I am resourceful, confident, and lead an exciting life.  I don’t have time to waste.  I don’t sweat the small stuff.  I don’t take extreme positions.

I trust in myself and the God within me.

I have faith that ultimately everything will work out.

My list evolves over time.  Sometimes I pause after each one and think how it applies to my upcoming day.  I am setting up my day to think what I am or want to be.

Praying: As I settle into a comfortable chair to meditate, I first pray.  In general, I thank God for looking out for Danny.  I pray for strength, wisdom, and courage and give thanks to God for the blessings in my life.  I pray for the good health of others.  Prayer really clicked for me when our minister said, Prayer changes the one praying.  Truly, a light bulb went on for me.  When I pray, I become more humble, forgiving, understanding, and aware.   I am the one who changes.  Our minister noted the words of the famous 13thth century German theologian, Eckhart, If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.  I don’t prepare for outcomes; I pray for the strength, wisdom, and courage to deal with what comes my way.

Our First Parish Church in York

Meditation: This can’t come as a shock to readers of this blog, but I was trained in Transcendental Meditation based on the teachings of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in Phoenix, Arizona in the 1970s.  Yes, I was given a mantra.  Since Hannah and I had each paid $200 (that’s equivalent to $10,000 in today’s money), I meditated twice a day for twenty minutes repeating my mantra.  Often my mind wandered and I just went where it took me.  In time, I didn’t take the time.  Over the last thirty some years I would meditate a few times per year, but then I would often fall asleep.  By the way, my theory on falling asleep when meditating is that if you fall asleep, you need the sleep.  It’s the same way I felt about kids falling asleep in my class.  If they are that tired, let ‘em sleep.  You are probably thinking, No way, Dan, they would never fall asleep in your class.  Alas, a few did. At this point, I tapped into the second of the Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz – Don’t Take Anything Personally.  When I follow that wisdom, I am a happier person.  PS  I’m not always successful in doing that.

I always felt physically better during and after meditating, but I was just so inconsistent.  Then another minister mentioned the Sharon Salzberg book, Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation – A 28-Day Program.  While meditating, I now focus on my breath.  I note my breathing in and my breathing out.  I even say the words to myself to keep me centered – breathing in, breathing out.  As Salzberg says one’s attention will wander.  Once I notice that my attention has wandered, I non-judgmentally bring it back to my breathing.  Every day before I meditate, I read a line or two that I’ve highlighted in the book to focus my meditation.  The book is gold.

With a morning ritual, I have become a daily mediator.  I love it.  I’ll sometimes meditate a second time in the afternoon.  Again, if I fall asleep, I fall asleep.

Do I have my act together now with all this daybreak peace and serenity?

Not quite, but I am on a happier journey to more peace and fulfillment and trust and faith in my life.

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