Sunday, March 20, 2011

Dan and Hannah take to the Carriage Roads of Acadia National Park, Maine

          Looking for an active September getaway in New England with temps in the 60s and 70s?  Do we have the place for you!  A mere 3-4 hours north of York on the coast of Maine lies Acadia National Park.  (Truly, stop by and see Dan and Hannah on your way up.  I’m serious.)

Traveling to Acadia National Park (ANP) during the off-season is a kick for Hannah and me, avid over 60 good time hikers/bicyclists.  The weekend after Labor Day we find two double beds for $55 at the Edenbrook Motel ( across the street from the College of Atlantic ( in Bar Harbor.  The 1950s retro-look metal rocking chairs outside each motel room adds to its charm.  We’ve packed our hybrid Trek bikes for a day of biking along some of the 45 miles of carriage roads ( in the ANP.  Driving into Bar Harbor from Ellsworth, we take Route 3, which is no friend to bicyclists.  Once within three miles or so of Bar Harbor on Mount Desert Island, the fingernail thin white lines mark the edge of the highway and leave no margin for error for bikers and motorists.  Thankfully J. D. Rockefeller, Jr., the force behind the Carriage Roads, came to the rescue in the early part of the last century.

          Above the Edenbrook, we easily bike up Highbrook Road up from the motel to the Park Loop Road, which takes us downhill about three miles to the Visitor Center.  Flashing our senior citizens lifetime National Park pass (for $10!) we hit the steep climb of the access bike path (crushed, packed gravel like the real Carriage Road).  A low gear and a strong set of thighs are required for this climb.  Genetically advantaged, Hannah and I relentlessly pedal to the Carriage Road by Witch Pond.  On this cool, overcast mid-September late morning, we whip off our sweatshirts and riding tights and head for Jordan Pond at a leisurely pace, gabbing most of the way. 

          The gentle grades make this an exercise experience for all kinds of bicyclists.  The beauty of the surrounding trees and lakes is only matched by the beauty of nary a vehicle in sight.  The moderate grades allow for steady pedaling and easy conversation.  We pedal the ascending grade to the East of Jordan Pond but that workout just prepares us for lunch.  On this blustery and chilly day, we are the only ones on the Jordan Pond House lawn, which on a warm day is filled with tourists having their famous baked popovers.

          After roughly seven miles of biking, we take to the Day Mountain summit.  We pass two horse-drawn carriages similar to what must have been popular in the 1930s.  It turns out this is our most difficult biking as the weight of the wheels of the carriages and the hoofs of the horses have compromised the integrity of the gravel road and made the road mushier.  Even so, it is comfortable pedaling.  Do remember to always pass on the left of the carriage horses.  The summit provides views of Seal Harbor.  The descent is rapid and a little squishy given the squishy trail.  Just slow down and you’ll be fine.  It’s a good work out and one our hearts and lungs appreciate.

          Though I have affection for the Appalachian Trail (AT), I much prefer day rides or hikes that end with a shower, clean sheets, and a well-deserved afternoon nap, which we do this late summer day.  Having down some 20+ miles on the Carriage Roads, our goal is to do all 45 some day.  Nothing like “bagging” the entire Carriage Road to feel the AT spirit. 

Biking on the Carriage Road – Excellent   

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