Monday, June 25, 2012

Molly and Tip Baby Bracket Update (The Top Twenty-Five)

Your top 25 after the first two rounds of the Baby Rawding Bracket

1. 43 points: Karen & Kalle  (Maine)

2. 37 points: Ann Jacob (Virginia)

3. 33 points: Bill Buggie (Canada)

4. 32 points: Rose & Mike (California)

5. 30 points: 
         Pauline Peyser and Paula (New Hampshire)
         Regina Manville (Virginia)
         Cindy McMullen (New Hampshire)

8. 29 points:
         Ruthie Lasher (Virginia)
         Bria Suprenant (Massachusetts)
         Dan Rothermel (Maine)
         Karen Lynge (Maine)

12. 28 points: Amelia Kyker (Virginia)

13. 27 points:
         Paige Bordthauser (Virginia)
         Robyn Rothermel (New York
         Corky Thomson (Maine)

16. 26 points:
         MScott Berkowitz (Virginia)
         Carol Scott (New Hampshire)
         Sheri Garrity (New Hampshire)

19. 25 points:
         Derby Family (Maine)
         Jordan and Cora (New Hampshire)
         Deb Howe (Maine)
         Tanya Garrity (New Hampshire)
         Rebecca Kraai (Maine)
         Gail Berneike (Maine)
         Hannah Rothermel (Maine)

1 point per correct answer in the first round; 2 points per correct answer in second round. 

We're down to the Sweet Sixteen (eight+ boys names and eight + girls names)

Boys Names:

Girls Names:

Baby Bracket Parenting Advice

You two are the foundation – Strong, happy, loving couples lead to strong, happy, loving kids.  Kiss whenever you have her/his face near yours…talk a lot and don’t always try to be right, being right matters less than you might think.  Be generous whenever you can.

Teach your child the simpler things in life like saying “Please” and “Thank You,” calling their aunts and uncles Aunt So and So or Uncle So and So.  Always send a thank you note after receiving something (present, money, etc.) from others.

Always have enough food to share with friends and family whenever they drop by.  Stay in touch with family and friends.  Be fair to all. 

Don’t just do something – Sit there.  One bit of advice that served us well is around the dinner hour as kids grow up.  Our house rule was to never have difficult discussions at the dinner table.  Always create family dinner time and only leave the table after the kids do.  Even when I was anxious to get up and clear the table, we sat as long as our children chose to be there.  We still do today when young adults visit.

1. Be your child's 'best parent', not their 'best friend'.
2. From day one always make 'Molly and Tip Time' a priority.  (It will help with #1)

Spend all the time you can with them, they leave home all too soon.
Try to become as involved as you can with your kids’ schools, not just the “extra” events, but the day-to-day things, as well.  In this day & age, the teachers will appreciate it, too!   Don’t just “talk” to your children – LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN!!!

Advice for Molly and Tip:  RELAX and ENJOY!!  Advice to Nana and Grandpa:  RELAX and ENJOY

Children learn by example. Parents need to set a good example. Do what I say, not what I do doesn't work. Children will do what you do, not what you say!

Savor each moment, but don't hover!  All of us need to fall down so we can gain the strength of knowing we can get up again.

Love me, don’t judge me.

          Enjoy the stage you’re at; all stages have their challenges and rewards.

Trust your instinct (intuition) – you know your child and you are wiser than you realize.

So I say - help them be in touch with their feelings. They rule. If they are in touch with their feelings and lean in the direction of what feels good, they will be closer to seeking joy.  Instead of asking what the score was? Ask How they did and how they felt?  Simple. 

And have pets--lots of pets! 

Molly and Tip, don't forget to care for yourselves individually, too--as well as finding couple-time. It's so incredibly important to replenish yourselves!

Savor each moment, but don't hover!  All of us need to fall down so we can gain the strength of knowing we can get up again.

Be outside as much as possible to show and feel the connection of human and nature, to breathe fresh air, to feel cold and hot, to see the cycles of days and seasons, the unpredictable and uncontrollable forces we are given.

Hold them in your arms whenever they need you. Hug them often, be a good listener, and enjoy them. And of course bring them to grandma and grandpa's house often!

Spend a lot of time reading children’s books with the kids.  Spend time taking little trips, and spending lots of time outdoors, hiking and camping, and whatnot.  Nature and exercise have a calming effect on all of us, and exploring new places is such a great way to have fun together.

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