Monday, September 19, 2011

The Saga of Dan and Hannah’s Boots (3 of 7)

Back home that same Monday night

Once home, Hannah feels an old scab has been torn off her heart.  She had put to rest that Boots would ever be coming back.  I, too, figured that he was gone. GONE.  A Maine winter is just too much to survive.  Though it still seems like a long shot, I just have to do all that I can to find the family that has been caring for him.  I got used to his absence, but now I am getting used to the idea that he might return.  We draft a flyer for our neighbors.  I dismiss the need to offer a reward to our neighbors.  In our little neighborhood in Maine, people’d be thrilled to help us find Boots.  Our flyer follows.

Male Cat Missing (“Boots”) Black body with               four white paws

Last September 10, 2010, Boots did not return home.  With no sign of him, we thought a coyote might have got him.

Monday evening (August 29, 2011),  nearly a year later, Boots walked up our driveway.  When we opened the door, Boots scooted into the woods.                                 

If you see Boots, please contact           Dan or Hannah.
162 Chases Pond Road, York, Maine  03909

My specialty is the personal touch.  I’ll deliver these flyers by hand in the early evening before dinner to maximize the chance that I’ll connect with my neighbors in person.  If Boots doesn’t return, I’m thinking there is still a silver lining - we’ll at least get to know our neighbors a little better; maybe there’ll be a little more sense of community in and around our country road. 

But in the end, I just can’t NOT try.

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